Teacher’s Questions for Higgs boson feature
Before reading:
- What is a particle? Have you ever heard of one type known as the Higgs boson? If so, describe what you know about it.
During reading:
- Where was the Higgs boson found? How did scientists find it?
- Why is the Higgs boson so difficult to find?
- What does the Higgs boson do?
- Describe what the universe would be like without the Higgs boson.
- What happens to particles moving through the Higgs field?
- How do scientists study the Higgs field?
- What is the purpose of the supercooled magnets placed along the pipe that the proton beams speed through at CERN?
- How fast are these protons traveling?
- How frequently is a Higgs boson created?
- Why did two separate teams — instead of one big team — search for the Higgs boson?
After reading:
1. It’s a big deal that scientists finally found the last remaining particle, the Higgs boson, in the standard model. Explain why that is.
- CERN and studies conducted there can be expensive.
- Do you think it’s important for society to study supersmall things?
- Can you think of other supersmall things that make a big impact (hint: think about medicine)?