All Stories

  1. Oceans

    Summer 2023 is when the ocean first turned ‘hot tub’ hot

    Unfortunately, scientists worry that this atypical sea warming may actually be the beginning of an unwelcome new ‘normal.’

  2. Tech

    Scientists Say: Fiber optic cable

    Whether you’re reading these words on a phone, computer or other device, you may have fiber optic cables to thank.

  3. Tech

    This electronic bandage sterilizes wounds with flashes of light

    Dentists have sterilized medical equipment with ultraviolet-C light for years. Applying this tech to bandages had proven a challenge — until now.

  4. Tech

    Gravity ‘batteries’ might help a weighty renewable-energy problem

    To store the energy generated by wind and solar power, researchers are looking at mammoth systems that raise and lower weights.

  5. Health & Medicine

    High blood pressure can affect kids but often goes undiagnosed

    Left untreated, it can lead to lasting problems, even in kids who appear otherwise healthy. Learn the signs and what to do.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Explainer: High blood pressure stresses the heart and blood vessels

    Because it can be dangerous, doctors should regularly screen for it even in young kids and teens — but often don’t.

  7. Math

    Bees and wasps devised the same clever math trick to build nests

    During nest building, these insects add five- and seven-sided cells in pairs. This helps their colony fit together hexagonal cells of different sizes.

  8. Humans

    This archeologist reconstructs the past with animal bones

    Tagging along with her mom paved the way for her career as an archeologist, Pamela Akuku says. She now studies how ancient humans modified animal bones.

  9. Psychology

    Scientists Say: Neurodivergent

    This often-misunderstood word describes someone whose brain works a little differently from most.

  10. Tech

    New device can harvest clean energy from humid air anywhere

    Unlike solar power, this new source of electricity is available day or night.

  11. Animals

    How artificial intelligence could help us talk to animals

    AI translates human languages with ease. Researchers are now using this tech to analyze the sounds of whales, rodents and many other animals.

  12. Tech

    What is my pet saying? Scientists are working to find out

    Researchers are using artificial intelligence for pet-translation apps. One day, it might put into words what our furry friends are vocalizing.
