All Stories

  1. Health & Medicine

    How super are superfruits?

    Fruits are good for you, but some advertisements claim that certain fruits are especially nutritious. Is there science to support the superfruit hype?

  2. Space

    Ready, set, supernova

    For the first time, scientists have caught a star in the act of exploding.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Music in the brain

    Scientists have uncovered a pattern of brain activity that may tune up musical improvisation.

  4. Ecosystems

    When fungi and algae marry

    Lichens live in nearly every environment on Earth, but scientists are still discovering basic information about them.

  5. Earth

    Deep history

    Scientists have gained new clues about when the Grand Canyon formed.

  6. Tech

    Cell phone tattlers

    DNA evidence left on cell phones can help detectives solve crimes.

  7. Chemistry

    Hair detectives

    Scientists have found a way to figure out where a person is from and where he or she has been, just by looking at samples of the person's hair.

  8. Animals

    Deep krill

    Scientists were surprised to find Antarctic krill lurking at the bottom of the sea.

  9. Animals

    A ‘book’ on every living thing

    The biggest encyclopedia ever, with an entry for every living species, is available now at a computer near you.

  10. Fossils

    Flight without sonar

    An ancient bat fossil suggests that bats were flying before they were echolocating.

  11. Fossils

    Tiny pterodactyl

    Scientists working in China have found the remains of the smallest pterodactyl ever known.

  12. Planets

    Mercury unveiled

    A new mission to Mercury is revealing surprising, never-before-seen details about the innermost planet.
