All Stories

  1. Tech

    A New Touch

    Rewired nerves may eventually lead to artificial limbs with a sense of touch.

  2. Chemistry

    Gold’s Glittery Rewards

    Gold has properties that make it valuable not only for jewelry but also for electronics and other uses.

  3. Humans

    Stonehenge settlement

    The remains of a prehistoric village lie near the legendary stone circle in England known as Stonehenge.

  4. Space

    Space Camera Glitch

    The sharpest, most sensitive camera on the aging Hubble Space Telescope has stopped working.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Eat Out, Eat Smart

    Knowing the number of calories in your restaurant meal can help you make healthier food choices.

  6. Fossils

    An Ancient Feathered Biplane

    A dinosaur may have glided from tree to tree on two sets of wings, one below the other.

  7. Animals

    Odor-chasing penguins

    Penguins may use their sense of smell to locate food in the ocean.

  8. Tech

    Rocking the House

    Researchers shake a full-size house to find out what happens to a wooden building during an earthquake.

  9. Animals

    Chicken eggs as drug factories

    Researchers have created chickens that produce useful drugs in their eggs.

  10. Humans

    Island extinctions

    Many of Australia's largest animals died out after people came to the island continent.

  11. Brain

    Video game violence

    Playing violent video games may have harmful effects on the brain.

  12. Environment

    Shrimpy invaders

    A shrimplike creature that has invaded the Great Lakes could spell big trouble for young fish.
