Scientists Say

A weekly word defined, in a sentence and in context.

  1. Math

    Scientists Say: Equation

    An equation states that two groups of numbers or variables are equal to each other.

  2. Tech

    Scientists Say: Machine learning

    Machine learning allows computers to learn new skills without programmers having to write out step-by-step instructions.

  3. Life

    Scientists Say: Cellulose

    Cellulose is an abundant natural polymer found in plants and algae. It’s used to make everything from paper to clothing.

  4. Earth

    Scientists Say: Richter Scale

    The Richter scale and other magnitude measures reveal the strength of an earthquake.

  5. Physics

    Scientists Say: Dark Energy

    Dark energy is the unknown force causing the universe to expand faster and faster.

  6. Life

    Scientists Say: Eukaryote

    Eukaryotes are living things whose cells package their genetic material inside a pouch called a nucleus.

  7. Environment

    Scientists Say: Pollution

    Pollution is any substance or form of energy released into the environment that is harmful to people or other living creatures.

  8. Math

    Scientists Say: Geometry

    Geometry is math that allows people to measure, analyze and compare figures in space.

  9. Ecosystems

    Scientists Say: Decay

    This word can refer to rotting flesh or the transformation of radioactive atoms.

  10. Physics

    Scientists Say: Voltage

    Voltage is a measure of how much electricity is available to power devices.

  11. Microbes

    Scientists Say: Bacteria

    Bacteria get a bad rap for making people sick, but only a tiny portion of these single-celled creatures cause disease.

  12. Chemistry

    Scientists Say: Silicon

    The chemical element silicon is used to make everything from bricks to cookware to electronics.
