Scientists Say

A weekly word defined, in a sentence and in context.

  1. Chemistry

    Scientists Say: Surface tension

    Surface tension is what makes water in your glass seem like it’s covered by an invisible membrane holding it together.

  2. Genetics

    Scientists Say: eDNA

    Animals may escape traps or nets, but they often leave DNA behind in their environment, giving scientists important clues.

  3. Physics

    Scientists Say: Diffraction

    When liquid hits something it spatters, when light hits something, it scatters. The process is called diffraction.

  4. Chemistry

    Scientists Say: Unsaturated fat

    These fats are found in foods like olive oil. It’s their special bonds that make them go with the flow.

  5. Planets

    Scientists Say: Proxima b

    A new planet outside our solar system is only 4.2 light years away.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Saturated fat

    Saturated fats are found in meat and dairy products. Their long, straight chemical chains make them solid in your fridge and on your plate.

  7. Space

    Scientists Say: Proxima Centauri

    The nearest star to our sun is only 4.2 light-years away.

  8. Chemistry

    Scientists Say: Fatty acid

    Fats are important, especially fatty acids. These molecules serve many purposes, but they are all constructed the same way.

  9. Space

    Scientists Say: Comet

    Comets are small solar system objects. When they pass close to their sun, their melting gases and water give them a tail.

  10. Life

    Scientists Say: Autophagy

    Cells can break down and recycle their parts for later use. This process — called autophagy — won a scientist a Nobel Prize in 2016.

  11. Plants

    Scientists Say: Bromeliad

    Bromeliads are plants with long spiky leaves. They are common houseplants, and we even see one in the grocery store — the pineapple.

  12. Plants

    Scientists Say: Chlorophyll

    Plants can make energy out of sunlight, all thanks to a pigment called chlorophyll.
