Gulf oil finds many paths
Questions, and lots of oil, remain months after Gulf disaster.
Afraid of its own fishy reflection
A cichlid brain works differently when the fish attacks its mirror image.
Your inner Neandertal
New study finds some DNA in modern humans was passed down from Neandertals.
These gems make their own way
Gemstones made in the lab could improve your cell phone or catch nasty bacteria in your water.
By Roberta Kwok -
Health & Medicine
A pepper part that burns fat
Study finds that dihydrocapsiate may give a diet extra power.
Bandages that could bite back
A new material would make bacteria's attack the path to their demise.
The algae invasion
One of the world's simplest organisms is also one of the hardest to classify.
Health & Medicine
The mercury in that tuna
Pinning down how much of the poison is in the fish we buy.