Cell phone tattlers
DNA evidence left on cell phones can help detectives solve crimes.
By Emily Sohn -
Hair detectives
Scientists have found a way to figure out where a person is from and where he or she has been, just by looking at samples of the person's hair.
By Emily Sohn -
Deep krill
Scientists were surprised to find Antarctic krill lurking at the bottom of the sea.
By Emily Sohn -
A ‘book’ on every living thing
The biggest encyclopedia ever, with an entry for every living species, is available now at a computer near you.
By Susan Milius -
Mercury unveiled
A new mission to Mercury is revealing surprising, never-before-seen details about the innermost planet.
By Emily Sohn -
Flight without sonar
An ancient bat fossil suggests that bats were flying before they were echolocating.
By Emily Sohn -
Tiny pterodactyl
Scientists working in China have found the remains of the smallest pterodactyl ever known.
By Emily Sohn -
The other side of the zoo fence
Zoo designers work hard to make exhibits safe and enjoyable—for people as well as animals.
By Emily Sohn -
Settling the Americas
Scientists have a new theory about when and how people first migrated from Asia to the New World.
By Emily Sohn -
Cool penguins
Climate change and warmer waters could threaten the survival of king penguins.
By Emily Sohn -
Hearing whales
At least one type of whale hears by using its jaw and throat to bring sound to its ears.
By Emily Sohn -
Health & Medicine
Baby number whizzes
The brains of very young babies have a sense of numbers.
By Emily Sohn