
  1. On the Trail of America’s Next Top Scientists

    Students get their hands wet, cold, and dirty at the 2007 Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge.

  2. Animals

    Return of the Lost Limbs

    Scientists are closer to learning how some animals regrow missing limbs.

  3. Animals

    Gliders in the family

    Two rare gliding mammals may be the closest living relatives of modern primates.

  4. Plants

    Seeds of the Future

    Around the world, scientists are putting seeds to sleep for up to thousands of years.

  5. Space

    Monster Black Holes

    Scientists have discovered black holes that are far more massive than they had thought possible.

  6. Fossils

    Digging Dinos

    Scientists have discovered a new dinosaur species that spent time underground.

  7. Environment

    Fear Matters

    Halloween can scare kids and make them act strange. But animals and ecosystems respond to fear every day of the year.

  8. Physics

    Explainer: How a synchrotron works

    Giant magnets direct superfast light into beams up to 30 million times as bright as those produced by a laser pointer.

  9. Tech

    Big Machine Reveals Small Worlds

    A football-field-sized machine is giving researchers insight into medicine, forensics, and even chocolate.

  10. Humans

    Ancient cave behavior

    In a South African cave, scientists have found the oldest evidence of people acting like modern humans.

  11. Environment

    Acid snails

    Changing chemistry in the world's oceans could affect the ability of a snail to defend itself.

  12. Tech

    Weaving with light

    By weaving tiny crystals into fabrics, a new technology is lighting up the night for people who lack electricity.
