- Tech
The Incredible Shrunken Kids
Researchers are using nanotechnology to develop superfast computers, amazing materials, and tiny robots.
By Emily Sohn - Tech
Spinach Power for Solar Cells
A solar cell based on chemicals taken from spinach and bacteria converts light into electricity.
By Emily Sohn - Earth
Distant Quake Changes Geyser Eruptions
An Alaskan earthquake changed the timing of geysers thousands of miles away.
By Emily Sohn - Physics
Project music
From hard rock to country and classical, music comes into play in several award-winning science projects.
By Emily Sohn - Planets
Witnessing a Rare Venus Eclipse
On June 8, Venus will cross in front of the sun for the first time since 1882.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Hippo sweat is natural sunscreen
Hippo "sweat" contains substances that fight microbes and screen out ultraviolet light.
By Emily Sohn - Space
Older Stars, New Age for the Universe
The oldest stars appear to be about a billion years older than astronomers had estimated.
By Emily Sohn - Plants
Plants travel wind highways
Some plants can hitchhike along invisible freeways of wind to reach distant places.
By Emily Sohn - Tech
Spin, Splat, and Scramble
Studies of games, sports, and puzzles lead to award-winning science projects.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Prime time for cicadas
Researchers are tracking down why some types of cicadas emerge in vast numbers only once every 17 years.
By Emily Sohn - Brain
Little Toys, Supersize Mistakes
Toddlers sometimes treat small objects, such as toy cars or dollhouse chairs, as if they're much larger.
By Emily Sohn - Fossils
Ancient critter caught shedding Its skin
A fossil reveals that ancient animals shed their skin, just as insects and crustaceans do today.
By Emily Sohn