
  1. Animals

    Snagging insects, hummingbird style

    A hummingbird has an unexpectedly flexible lower bill to help it catch bugs.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Allergies: From bee stings to peanuts

    As more and more people develop allergies, researchers are looking for ways to treat and prevent severe allergic reactions.

  3. Humans

    The taming of the cat

    People had pet cats at least 9,500 years ago, long before ancient Egyptians started worshipping felines.

  4. Tech

    Flying the Hyper Skies

    A little airplane called the Hyper-X has broken the speed record for jet aircraft.

  5. Environment

    Little bits of trouble

    Extremely tiny particles known as buckyballs can harm living cells.

  6. Planets

    Planets on the Edge

    The discovery of a strange, planetlike object beyond Pluto adds to the puzzle of how the solar system formed.

  7. Tech

    Supersuits for Superheroes

    Becoming stronger may someday mean putting on a robotic suit.

  8. Environment

    An ocean view’s downside

    Population growth in coastal areas could threaten shoreline ecosystems.

  9. Animals

    Ganging up to grab more food

    Food-snitching birds may drive wolves to hunt in large packs.

  10. Animals

    Sea otters, kelp, and killer whales

    Learning more about sea otters can help rescue the animals and save coastal ecosystems.

  11. Animals

    Some birds heed a monkey’s warnings

    An African forest bird can tell which monkey alarm calls to pay attention to.

  12. Brain

    Grannies give gift of longer life

    Kids tend to live longer when a grandmother takes part in their daily lives.

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