- Animals
Snagging insects, hummingbird style
A hummingbird has an unexpectedly flexible lower bill to help it catch bugs.
By Emily Sohn - Health & Medicine
Allergies: From bee stings to peanuts
As more and more people develop allergies, researchers are looking for ways to treat and prevent severe allergic reactions.
By Emily Sohn - Humans
The taming of the cat
People had pet cats at least 9,500 years ago, long before ancient Egyptians started worshipping felines.
By Emily Sohn - Tech
Flying the Hyper Skies
A little airplane called the Hyper-X has broken the speed record for jet aircraft.
- Environment
Little bits of trouble
Extremely tiny particles known as buckyballs can harm living cells.
- Planets
Planets on the Edge
The discovery of a strange, planetlike object beyond Pluto adds to the puzzle of how the solar system formed.
By Emily Sohn - Tech
Supersuits for Superheroes
Becoming stronger may someday mean putting on a robotic suit.
By Emily Sohn - Environment
An ocean view’s downside
Population growth in coastal areas could threaten shoreline ecosystems.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Ganging up to grab more food
Food-snitching birds may drive wolves to hunt in large packs.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Sea otters, kelp, and killer whales
Learning more about sea otters can help rescue the animals and save coastal ecosystems.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Some birds heed a monkey’s warnings
An African forest bird can tell which monkey alarm calls to pay attention to.
By Emily Sohn - Brain
Grannies give gift of longer life
Kids tend to live longer when a grandmother takes part in their daily lives.