Health & Medicine
Gut germs to the rescue
Many of the bacteria that live in our intestines may help keep us healthy.
By Emily Sohn -
Fossil skulls plug gap in human origins
Anthropologists have unearthed the oldest fossils of modern people ever found.
By Emily Sohn -
Wobbly Babies: Smarter Than They Look?
Toddlers can make quick decisions about when to use a handrail while crossing a bridge.
By Emily Sohn -
Sticking Around with Gecko Tape
A lizard's sticky feet inspire a strong new adhesive.
By Emily Sohn -
The Social Side of Baby Talk
A mother's body language can make her baby's babbles more like speech.
Tracking the sun Improves plant pollen
Turning to face the sun helps snow buttercups make better pollen.
By Emily Sohn