Dancing with Robots Additional Information

Recommended Web sites:

You can learn more about RoboCup Junior at www.robocupjunior.org (CUNY Brooklyn College), www.robocupjr.com/ (RoboCup Junior Northeast Regional), and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RoboCup_Junior(Wikipedia).

RoboCup 2006, which is to be held in June in Bremen, Germany, also features a RoboCup Junior competition. See www.robocup2006.org/(RoboCup 2006).

McDonagh, Sorcha. 2004. Roving the Red Planet. Science News for Kids (Jan. 28). Available at http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20040128/Note2.asp.

Sohn, Emily. 2005. Robots on the road, again. Science News for Kids (Oct. 19). Available at http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20051019/Note2.asp.

______. 2004. Searching for alien life. Science News for Kids (Sept. 22). Available at http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20040922/Feature1.asp.

______. 2004. Robots on a rocky road. Science News for Kids (April 21). Available at http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20040421/Feature1.asp.

______. 2004. Rover makes splash on Mars. Science News for Kids (March 10). Available at http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20040310/Note2.asp.

Webb, Sarah. 2005. Roboroach and company. Science News for Kids (Sept. 7). Available at http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20050907/Feature1.asp.

Books recommended by SearchIt!Science:

[book] How to Build Your Own Prize-Winning Robot— Ed Sobey

Published by Enslow Publishers, 2002.

Can you design and build your own robot? Sure you can—and this practical book will show you how! (It will help if you have tools and materials such as servos, wheels, wire cutters, circuit boards, a computer, and a voltmeter). The first chapter offers an introduction to robots and gives instructions on how to build a motorized model car or boat. The second chapter explains electric motors and gives tips on how to select one. Modifying servo motors, attaching wheels, selecting a robot platform, providing electrical power, and controlling a robot’s motion are discussed in subsequent chapters. The final two chapters offer suggestions about how to make a robot do more

through electronics and how to apply robot-building skills to science fair projects and robot contests. Black-and-white photographs and diagrams accompany the detailed (and fairly technical) text. The book concludes with appendixes listing information about robot clubs and robot supply shops.

[book] Mighty Robots: Mechanical Marvels that Fascinate and Frighten— David Jones

Published by Annick Press, 2005.

“It’s the 21st century, so where are all the robots?” Find out how robots are being used to help explore space, fight wars, help out around the house, and entertain us in this comprehensive book. The text starts out by explaining what a robot is. It summarizes the history of robots and delves into human psychology, discussing the robot in science fiction and describing how the idea of the robot captures people’s imaginations. The book then moves on to the challenges of artificial intelligence science (including why we don’t already have robot helpers at home) and how scientists are solving them. Robot explorers (in space and undersea), fighting robots and unmanned military vehicles, industrial robots, and robot toys are the subjects of the next several chapters. The final chapter takes a look at a robot-filled future.

[book] Robots Among Us: The Challenges and Promises of Robotics— Christopher W. Baker

Published by Millbrook Press, 2002.

This book explains how scientists program robots to sense, think, and act. Although many robots perform everyday tasks, others are programmed to go places that are too dangerous or too difficult for humans to explore. For example, remote-controlled robots have been used to explore the insides of volcanoes and to defuse bombs. Discover the latest technology to create robots with artificial intelligence.

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Power Words

infrared light Electromagnetic radiation that is invisible and has wavelengths that are longer than those of visible light but shorter than those of microwaves. All objects absorb and give off infrared light.

robot A machine that can perform a variety of tasks either on command or by being programmed in advance. Robots can move about on their own and often have sensors so they can react to things around them. Robots can be used in factories and in scientific research.

robotics The scientific study of the design, building, and operation of robots.


Copyright © 2002, 2003 Houghton-Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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