Getting Enough Sleep Additional Information

Recommended Web sites:

The National Sleep Foundation has a Web site at Information about the 2006 “Sleep in America” survey can be found at (National Sleep Foundation).

For additional information about teens, learning, and sleep, go to

Information about teens, school start times, and sleep can be found at (Brown Medical School).

To learn more about sleep, go to (National Sleep Foundation) or (KidsHealth for Kids).

Gramling, Carolyn. 2006. Storing memories before bedtime. Science News for Kids (April 5). Available at

McDonagh, Sorcha. 2004. Sleep lessons from sparrows. Science News for Kids (July 28). Available at

Sohn, Emily. 2005. Teen brains, under construction. Science News for Kids (Sept. 28).

Available at

______. 2005. Awake at night. Science News for Kids (May 4). Available at

______. 2005. Sleep affects a bird’s singing. Science News for Kids (Feb. 23).

Available at

______. 2004. Sleep to remember places and routes. Science News for Kids (Nov. 10).

Available at

______. 2003. Memories are made with sleep. Science News for Kids (Oct. 15). Available at

______. 2003. Grades slipping? Check for snoring. Science News for Kids (Sept. 17).

Available at


Sleep and Hyperactivity

Books recommended by SearchIt!Science:

[book] Sleep and Dreams— Andrew T. McPhee

Published by Franklin Watts/Scholastic, 2001.

For such an everyday activity, sleep is still puzzling to scientists. “Sleep is such a mystery that even scientists have trouble defining it clearly,” according to the author of this informative book. Despite its mystery, sleep researchers have found out some things about sleep: the stages and rhythms of sleep, what causes sleep disorders, and what happens when you don’t get enough sleep. Explore the latest scientific research on sleep and learn how you can enjoy a more restful sleep. This book also includes a chapter on dreams—the history of dreaming, interpreting dreams, and tips on remembering your dreams.

[book] Zzz . . . The Most Interesting Book You’ll Ever Read about Sleep— Trudee Romanek

Published by Kids Can Press, 2002.

This book is a real snoozer. Learn about nightmares, sleepwalking, dreams, hibernation, and sleep disorders. Unlock the secrets of sleep to find out how the body clock works, why the brain needs sleep, what happens during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, and more. Did you know that gorillas that have been taught sign language sometimes sign in their sleep? Or that if you live to be 70, you will have spent 23 years sleeping? There are several “You Try It” activities you can do on your own to help you understand sleep.

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Power Words

sleep A natural state of rest that occurs at regular times. During sleep, growth is thought to take place, and energy is conserved and stored away. Dreams take place during a stage of sleep called REM.

Sleep is very important for the brain. During sleep, the brain sorts through experiences and stores important new information for later use. Without enough sleep, the brain has difficulty learning and remembering.

REM Short for rapid eye movement. A stage of normal sleep in which the

muscles of the eyes and face twitch, the heart beats faster, and more blood flows to the brain. Dreaming takes place during REM sleep.

Copyright © 2002, 2003 Houghton-Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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