The Pressure of Scuba Diving Additional Information

Recommended Web sites:

You can learn more about the history of diving, including scuba diving, at (Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio).

To see how scuba equipment works, go to (How Stuff Works). Information about scuba hazards is available at Stuff Works).

Books recommended by SearchIt!Science:

Sylvia Earle: Guardian of the Sea — Beth Baker

Published by Lerner Publishing, 2001.

Sylvia Earle, who was born in 1938, noticed something strange about her science classes in college: She was usually the only woman in them. Science did not welcome female scientists when Sylvia was studying marine biology, but that didn’t keep her from becoming one of the earliest expert deep-sea scuba divers and spending her life studying and defending endangered creatures of the deep. This book tells her life story.

Hidden Under the Sea: The World Beneath the Waves — Peter Kent

Published by Dutton Children’s Books/Penguin Putnam, 2001.

There’s more than fish under the sea (though there’s plenty of fish, too). Discover what’s lurking in the deep in this charmingly illustrated book, which offers double-page spreads on all kinds of underwater topics. Learn about the legends of the deep, including sea monsters, and read the profiles of some “Submarine Celebrities,” from Gilgamesh to Captain Nemo to Jacques Yves-Cousteau. Explore a coral reef that’s teeming with life, learn about the underwater tunnel that links Britain and France, and investigate some remarkable shipwrecks. Nuclear submarines, undersea gear, and submersibles are all depicted in the detailed illustrations, which invite readers to look for hidden dolphins, mermonkeys, and other concealed creatures.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau: His Story Under the Sea — John Bankston

Published by Mitchell Lane Publishers, 2003.

Meet Jacques Cousteau, a man who shared his love of the ocean with a television audience for 30 years. From the time he was a boy, Cousteau was fascinated with water and cameras. He joined the French Navy and became an oceanographer and a filmmaker. He and a friend invented the first self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba) equipment. Explore the ocean depths with a traveler who took us on an amazing underwater journey.

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Power Words

nitrogen A chemical element that is a gas with no color or odor. Nitrogen makes up about four-fifths of the Earth’s atmosphere, and it is essential for life because it is part of all proteins. Nitrogen is used to make ammonia, TNT, and fertilizers.

pressure Force that is applied against a gas, liquid, or solid. Pressure is described as the amount of force on an area, such as 10 pounds per square foot.

Copyright © 2002, 2003 Houghton-Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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