Question Sheet: Electronic Paper Turns a Page
Before reading:
- If you could picture the ideal book, what features would you like it to have that a typical book doesn’t have now?
- Where do you think most people usually read the newspaper? A book?
During reading:
- What are the disadvantages of reading a book on a computer screen?
- What is a microcapsule? How does it relate to electronic paper?
- Explain in your own words how text would change in E Ink’s electronic paper.
- Why is light an important consideration in the design of electronic paper?
- Name four advantages of electronic paper over ordinary paper.
- What is the difference between E Ink’s paper idea and Xerox PARC’s Gyricon?
- Why is electronic paper not available right now?
After reading:
- Based on information in the article, what problems can you imagine arising with electronic paper? Do you have any alternative solutions?
- Write a paragraph arguing for the environmental advantages of electronic paper.
- Besides Japan, where else might electronic paper be extremely beneficial? Who would you imagine would want electronic paper the most?
- In a world with electronic paper, do you think people would read more? Explain your answer.
- Imagine that your parents have some money to invest in a company. Write a letter telling them why or why not to invest in electronic paper.
- Microcapsules are used in several different technologies. What makes them so useful? Can you invent any other use for these tiny capsules?
- How do you think computers might change if electronic paper were widely available?
In a new version of electronic paper, it takes 10 milliseconds for a tiny drop of electronic ink to switch from dark to light or vice versa. How many times could a drop switch back and forth in one second?