Question Sheet: The Secret Lives of Grizzlies
Before reading:
- What does an animal do when it hibernates?
- Where do grizzly bears live?
During reading:
- Why was Lynn Nelson nervous to enter a grizzly bear den? What did she find?
- How does a grizzly’s heart rate change during hibernation? Why is this
- Why is it so difficult to monitor a bear’s heart rate? How has Nelson
overcome this problem?
- By studying grizzly bears, how do scientists hope to help sick people?
- How have grizzly populations changed in the last few hundred years?
- Give an example of grizzly research happening at Yellowstone National Park.
After reading:
- What are the similarities and differences between researching an animal in
captivity and studying it in the wild?
- If people could adjust their heart rates like hibernating grizzlies do, what
might we be able to do that we can’t do now?
- Write two questions that this article raises for you.
- Give a specific example of how studying hibernation in captive bears might
help protect bears in the wild?
- What can park rangers and scientists do to change the way people think about
grizzly bears?
- How might our negative view of grizzly bears affect their survival?
What is Yellowstone National Park like? Make a travel brochure about the park. (For help, visit the park’s website at
- Go to the library or do an Internet search and create a bibliography of four
books on bears that you could use to write a paper about the animals.
- Write a persuasive letter to a friend trying to convince him or her to
respect rather than fear grizzly bears.