Question Sheet: The Violent Side of Video Games


Before reading:

  1. What qualities do you like in a video game? 
  2. What kind of violence do you think qualifies a video game as “violent”? 
  3. Do you think violence on TV or movies affects you?

During reading:

  1. Describe the “mean world syndrome.” 
  2. Why are people worried about kids playing too many video games? 
  3. What is the “amygdala” and what role does it play in the human brain? 
  4. What did three teenagers from Puerto Rico discover about video games? 
  5. Name three positive effects discussed in this article of playing lots of video games.

After reading:

  1. Do you think there’s a difference between one’s experience playing a violent video game and watching violence on the news? 
  2. How might age be a factor in a person’s experience with violent video games? Do you think there’s a certain age when kids are old enough to play violent games? 
  3. How is the experience of reading a scary book different from watching a scary movie? 
  4. Do you think nonviolent TV affects people just as much as violent TV? How might a romantic show or a comedy change your outlook on the world? 
  5. Is there a difference in effect on people between movies or games that action without blood and gore and those that are violent and bloody? Given the effects talked about in this article, do you think one is preferable over the other? 
  6. This article has two parts. Predict what the second part will talk about.


  1. Write a warning to parents about the dangers of video games using the information in the articles as well as any background knowledge you may have. 
  2. Interview someone who likes violent video games. Come up with 10 questions that might help you determine how the games have changed or not changed this person.


A video game fan plays 2 hours each week day (Monday through Friday) and 6 hours every weekend (Saturday and Sunday). How much time does the person NOT play video games each week? Determine what fraction of a year (expressed as a percentage) this person spends playing video games.

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