A Sense of Danger Additional Information

Recommended Web sites:
You can learn more about amazing animal senses at faculty.washington.edu/chudler/amaze.html (Neuroscience for Kids).

Ramsayer, Kate. 2004. Infrasonic symphony. Science News 165(Jan. 10):26-27. Available at http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20040110/bob9.asp.

Did Animals Sense Tsunami was Coming?


National Geographic

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Can Animals Sense Natural Disasters?



Books recommended by SearchIt!Science:

Animal Senses: How Animals See, Hear, Taste, Smell and Feel— Pamela M. Hickman

Published by Kids Can Press, 1998.

In the middle of the night we might have a tough time trying to find our way around without bumping into everything. So, how come a skunk doesn’t have that same problem? If you have ever wondered what it would be like to be a rabbit, a snake, or even a bat, now is your chance to put yourself to the test. This book not only tells you how the world looks, feels, and sounds different for animals but also gives you activities to actually find out. You’ll be able to experience the vision of a chameleon, the hearing of a dog, and much more.

Smelling and Tasting— Alvin Silverstein, Virginia Silverstein, Laura Silverstein Nunn

Published by Twenty-First Century Books/Millbrook Press, 2002.

Did you know that the sense of smell and taste are often linked to each other? Whether we smell flowers or spoiled milk, we are experiencing an important part of the “big picture” of the world around us. If we pay attention to the world of smell, we can experience a world we might not realize exists! Many animals have a stronger sense of smell than humans do. Our ability to taste is on our tongue. We experience pleasant familiar smells of our family and the embarrassing body odors that might be a sign of illness. Scientists have been working on developing a device that can detect illness by “smelling” and “tasting.”

Health Science Projects About Your Senses— Robert Gardner

Published by Enslow Publishers, 2001.

How does your eye work to form the images that you “see”? Create a model eardrum to learn about how you “hear.” How do taste and smell work together to help you recognize your food? How does your body detect heat and cold? Explore different aspects of the senses and design activities that help you to think about what makes a good science fair project. Conduct experiments to help you examine the different senses—vision (two chapters); hearing; taste and smell (combined into one chapter); and touch. Each experiment includes a materials list and illustrations to help you conduct the experiments.

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Power Words

frequency A measure of how often an action or movement is repeated within a certain amount of time. The movement of waves is measured in terms of frequency. The frequency of radio waves is the number of times per second that the waves pass a particular point.

hertz A unit used to measure the frequency of vibrations and waves. One hertz is equal to one cycle per second. Radio waves are usually measured in megahertz, or millions of hertz.

spectrum 1. An arrangement of all electromagnetic radiation according to its frequencies and wavelengths. Radiation with low frequencies and long wavelengths is at one end of the spectrum, and radiation with high frequencies and short wavelengths is at the other end. The whole spectrum ranges from radio waves to gamma rays, with visible light in the middle. 2. A band of colors that is seen when white light is broken up according to its different wavelengths. When white light passes through a prism, it produces a spectrum. A rainbow is also a spectrum.

Copyright © 2002, 2003 Houghton-Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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