Teacher’s Questions for Balancing Rocks Feature
Before reading:
- Have you ever been outside and seen a rock balancing and wondered how it got there and how long it had been standing still? How do you think rocks get into a balanced position and stay there?
During reading:
- How big are some of the balanced rocks that the scientists in the story are studying?
- What would small, balanced rocks in an area tell you about the earthquake activity of the region?
- Explain how balanced rocks help engineers construct bridges and dams.
- Describe how scientists think the balanced rocks atop the marshmallow stack in the Mojave Desert got there.
- How old are the balanced rocks atop the marshmallow stacks? How do scientists know this? Describe one method for dating the rocks.
- Compared with other landscapes, do deserts change a lot or a little? Explain why.
- How can scientists tell how hard it is to topple a balanced rock without actually toppling the rock?
After reading:
1. Explain who, besides earthquake researchers, can benefit from the knowledge gained by studying balanced rocks. (Hint: What will it tell community and road planners?)
1. If a developer buys land where there are rocks that have been balanced for a very long time, do you think it’s OK to topple the rocks to make way for construction? Explain why.