Emily Sohn

All Stories by Emily Sohn

  1. Health & Medicine

    Teen Brains, Under Construction

    Spurts in brain development may help account for changes in teen behavior.

  2. Plants

    Cactus goo for clean water

    A cactus commonly found in Mexico can help clean up dirty water.

  3. Plants

    Bright blooms that glow

    Certain flowers fluoresce, giving off a spooky light.

  4. Environment

    Unnatural disasters

    The actions of people can make the destruction caused by hurricanes worse than it would be otherwise.

  5. Psychology

    Pain expectations

    How painful you expect something to be beforehand can affect how you actually feel when you're hurt.

  6. Planets

    An Icy Blob of Fluff

    Firing a projectile into a comet has exposed an icy dirtball.

  7. Environment

    Shrinking glaciers

    Most glaciers around the world appear to be getting smaller.

  8. Animals

    From Chimps to People

    Although chimpanzees and people share many genes, there are key biological differences.

  9. Animals


    Bees can learn about new food sources by spying on each other.

  10. Humans

    Salt and Early Civilization

    Evidence from China suggests that people were making salt at least 4,000 years ago.

  11. Animals

    Who’s knocking?

    Recordings of calls and drumming provide new evidence that the ivory-billed woodpecker survives.

  12. Animals


    Some octopuses can walk, using two of their eight arms to scoot backward.