Emily Sohn

All Stories by Emily Sohn
- Health & Medicine
Ear pain, weight gain
Scientists have found a link between frequent childhood ear infections and obesity later in life.
- Animals
Mice sense each other’s fear
Scientists have figured out how mice use their noses to sniff out fear in other mice.
- Animals
The tiniest serpent
The smallest species of snake ever discovered lives on the Caribbean island of Barbados.
- Health & Medicine
Recipe for health
Obesity is on the rise, but there are plenty of things you can do to maintain a healthy weight.
- Animals
Animal CSI or from science lab to crime lab
Scientists are finding new ways to help stop poachers from hunting endangered animals.
- Health & Medicine
How super are superfruits?
Fruits are good for you, but some advertisements claim that certain fruits are especially nutritious. Is there science to support the superfruit hype?
- Space
Ready, set, supernova
For the first time, scientists have caught a star in the act of exploding.
- Health & Medicine
Music in the brain
Scientists have uncovered a pattern of brain activity that may tune up musical improvisation.
- Ecosystems
When fungi and algae marry
Lichens live in nearly every environment on Earth, but scientists are still discovering basic information about them.