Emily Sohn

All Stories by Emily Sohn

  1. Earth

    Digging into a tsunami disaster

    A powerful earthquake under the Indian Ocean changed Earth's surface and spin.

  2. Animals

    Geckos’ Sticky Feet Clean Themselves

    Tiny hairs on gecko toes can stay nearly dirtfree, helping the lizards cling to ceilings.

  3. Tech

    Riding Sunlight

    A solar sail spacecraft relies on sunlight instead of wind to cruise through space.

  4. Animals

    Blotchy face, big-time wasp

    If paper wasps pretend to be something they're not, their peers get angry.

  5. Animals

    A fallout feast for crabs

    Crabs can take advantage of hot, toxic plumes from undersea vents to feed on poisoned plankton.

  6. Brain

    Swedish Rhapsody

    Celebrations honoring the world's top scientists brought students from many countries to Sweden to tour, learn, talk, and party.

  7. Environment

    The birds are falling

    The disappearance of many birds could harm ecosystems that depend on them.

  8. Earth

    Ancient heights

    Leaf fossils can help track the rise and fall of mountain ranges.

  9. Tech

    Crime lab

    From accidents to crime scenes, scientists are helping detectives solve mysteries.

  10. Math

    Detecting True Art

    Mathematics can help decide whether a painting is a forgery or a group effort.

  11. Climate

    A change in climate

    Global warming may be wiping out some plants and animals or pushing them into new habitats.

  12. Animals

    Gecko night vision

    Certain geckos can tell colors apart even in dim moonlight.