Emily Sohn

All Stories by Emily Sohn

  1. Brain

    Music lessons for the brain

    Taking music lessons may help you become a little bit smarter.

  2. Physics

    The pressure of scuba diving

    If done without proper precautions, scuba diving can be a painful experience.

  3. Psychology

    Roller coaster thrills

    Riding roller coasters is about the need that some people have to seek thrills and take risks.

  4. Brain

    A dog’s amazingly large vocabulary

    A border collie named Rico recognizes a surprisingly large number of words.

  5. Environment

    A newspaper’s hidden cost

    Getting a newspaper electronically would be much better for the planet than receiving the paper version.

  6. Tech

    Spinach power for solar cells

    A solar cell based on chemicals taken from spinach and bacteria converts light into electricity.

  7. Tech

    The Incredible Shrunken Kids

    Researchers are using nanotechnology to develop superfast computers, amazing materials, and tiny robots.

  8. Earth

    Distant quake changes geyser eruptions

    An Alaskan earthquake changed the timing of geysers thousands of miles away.

  9. Tech

    The Incredible Shrunken Kids

    Researchers are using nanotechnology to develop superfast computers, amazing materials, and tiny robots.

  10. Tech

    Spinach Power for Solar Cells

    A solar cell based on chemicals taken from spinach and bacteria converts light into electricity.

  11. Earth

    Distant Quake Changes Geyser Eruptions

    An Alaskan earthquake changed the timing of geysers thousands of miles away.

  12. Physics

    Project music

    From hard rock to country and classical, music comes into play in several award-winning science projects.