Emily Sohn
All Stories by Emily Sohn
Electronic paper turns a page
Changeable ink and battery-powered paper may make textbooks lighter and bring video newspapers into daily use.
Brain signals attention disorder
Children with attention disorders appear to have less tissue in certain parts of their brain.
Preserving Ancient Warrior Paint
Chemistry helps keep paint on ancient clay statues from cracking and quickly peeling off.
Killer space rock snuffed out ancient life
Rock fragments from Antarctica suggest a huge meteor struck Earth 250 million years ago.
How a Gecko Defies Gravity
A gecko's tight grip on walls and ceilings suggests new types of sticky materials.
Will climate change depose monarchs?
If Mexico gets too wet, migrating monarch butterflies could lose their winter refuges.
Echoes of a stretched egg
Sound waves bounce off people as if each person resembles an elongated egg.
Running with sneaker science
For marathon runners and other athletes, sneaker research helps reduce the pain.
Poisonous Spiders as Reluctant Hunters
The brown recluse spider prefers scavenging dead food to hunting live prey.
Plastic meals for seals
Pieces of discarded plastic can end up in the stomachs of seals.