JoAnna Wendel is a freelance science writer and cartoonist in Portland, Ore., specializing in Earth and planetary science, with a growing interest in animals (especially invertebrates). She’s written and made comics for publications including SmithsonianEosGizmodo, Inverse and Science News Explores. JoAnna has a bachelor’s degree in general science from the University of Oregon and loves trees, snakes and her cat, Pancake. 

All Stories by JoAnna Wendel

  1. Animals

    Chimps and bonobos recognize familiar faces even after decades apart

    Chimpanzees and bonobos may boast the longest social memory of any animal besides humans.

  2. Animals

    See how hummingbirds sneak through small spaces

    Anna’s hummingbirds can use a couple of different techniques to get through gaps smaller than their wingspan.

  3. Animals

    Here’s why thousands of octopuses gather at the ‘Octopus Garden’

    Underwater cameras and other instruments investigated why so many pearl octopuses gather here to mate and nest.

  4. Animals

    Toothed whales use their noses to whistle and click

    Much as people do, toothed whales, such as dolphins and sperm whales, make noises in three different vocal registers.

  5. These lemurs take nose-picking to a new level

    A nose-picking aye-aye’s spindly middle digit probably pokes all the way into the back of the throat, CT scans show.

  6. Animals

    How boa constrictors squeeze their prey without strangling themselves

    Tracking boas’ ribs in X-ray videos revealed the snakes’ squeezing secrets. It’s the latest Wild Things cartoon from Science News Explores.

  7. Space

    My 10 years on Mars: NASA’s Curiosity rover describes its adventure

    Did life evolve on Mars? NASA’s Curiosity rover spent the last 10 years trying to answer that question. Here’s the story from the rover’s point of view.

  8. Animals

    Goldfish driving ‘cars’ offer new insight into navigation

    Fishes’ internal sense of direction is not limited to their natural environment. The latest Wild Things cartoon from Science News for Students.

  9. Animals

    A panda stands out at the zoo but blends in the wild

    A panda may stand out among bamboo at the zoo, but in the wild, its black-and-white coloring camouflages it from predators. Learn more with this web comic.

  10. Earth

    What can ‘silent earthquakes’ teach us about the next Big One?

    Earthquakes usually last seconds. But sometimes, they can last days, or even years. Here’s what scientists are learning about these “slow-slip events.”

  11. Brain

    Ask the experts: How to create a top-notch science fair project

    Five finalists in the Broadcom MASTERS middle-school competition reveal how they created nationally competitive projects.

  12. Animals

    Cockatoos learn from each other how to open garbage bins

    The bin-opening behavior is an example of social learning. It’s also the basis of a foraging culture. Learn more in this web comic.

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