Lindsey Konkel Neabore

Freelance Writer

Lindsey Konkel Neabore likes to write stories about the environment and health for Science News for Students. She has degrees in biology and journalism. She has three cats, Misty, Trumpet and Charlotte, and one dog, Lucky.

All Stories by Lindsey Konkel Neabore

  1. Health & Medicine

    Too much noise can harm far more than our ears

    Sure, loud or unwanted sounds can damage hearing. But they also can disrupt learning, stress us out and more.

  2. Animals

    Study finds big drop in animal populations since 1970

    But the same thing is not happening throughout the kingdom. For instance, more than half of vertebrate populations are stable or increasing.

  3. Materials Science

    Cool Jobs: Scientific glassblowers shape science

    Glass has played a major role in research for centuries. Today’s artisans work at the forefront of discovery.

  4. Chemistry

    Reusable plastic bottles release hundreds of pollutants into water

    Data show the plastic ends up tainting drinking water. For now, scientists don’t know what health risks downing these pollutants might pose.

  5. Animals

    Surprise! Sixteen tiny wasp species found masquerading as one

    Scientists used new and old tools to overturn 160-year-old ideas about this wasp. They show you can’t tell a wasp by its looks.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Strongest bones come from Goldilocks recipe of exercise and rest

    Building strong bones for life depends on adolescents staying active and getting enough sleep. Sometimes a lot of sleep, like 11 hours!

  7. Health & Medicine

    How to find the next pandemic virus before it finds us

    Wild animals carry viruses that can sicken people. Monitoring those viral hosts that pose the greatest risk might help prevent a new pandemic.

  8. Environment

    Decades-long project is linking our health to the environment

    Started in 1959, this California study is one of the oldest ongoing research projects in the world.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Study links chemicals in ‘BPA-free’ plastics to obesity in kids

    Scientists have linked exposure to chemicals found in BPA-free plastics and cans with obesity in kids and teens.

  10. Environment

    ‘Biodegradable’ plastic bags often don’t break down

    Biodegradable plastic bags are supposed to break down more quickly than ordinary plastics. But that may not happen, a study finds.

  11. Environment

    Don’t flush your contact lenses

    One in five people who wear contact lenses flush their used eyewear down the sink or toilet. That plastic pollutes the environment and can harm wildlife.

  12. Microbes

    Bacteria are all around us — and that’s okay

    Scientists may have identified less than one percent of all bacteria on Earth. But there’s a reason to keep up the hunt. These microbes could help us understand and protect our planet.

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