Maria Temming

Assistant Managing Editor, Science News Explores

Maria Temming is the Assistant Managing Editor at Science News Explores. Maria has undergraduate degrees in physics and English from Elon University and a master's degree in science writing from MIT. She has written for Scientific AmericanSky & Telescope and NOVA Next. She’s also a former staff writer at Science News.

All Stories by Maria Temming

  1. Space

    The Parker Solar Probe aims to touch the sun

    The Parker Solar Probe is about to make a historic voyage to the sun.

  2. Tech

    Getting road-trip ready, and no driver needed

    Most self-driving cars are city drivers. This one’s made for the open road.

  3. Computing

    Incognito browsing is not as private as most people think

    You may think you’re going deep undercover when you set your web browser to incognito. But you’d likely be mistaken, a new study finds.

  4. Tech

    Bad food? New sensors will show with a glow

    Sensors that glow around dangerous germs could be built into packaging to warn people of tainted foods.

  5. Tech

    Websites often don’t disclose who can have your data

    Privacy policies don’t reveal much about how websites share a user’s data.

  6. Materials Science

    Light could make some hospital surfaces deadly to germs

    A new surfacing material can disinfect itself. Room lighting turns on this germ-killing property, which could make the material attractive to hospitals.

  7. Science & Society

    On Twitter, fake news has greater allure than truth does

    In the Twittersphere, fake news gets more views than real stories, based on an analysis of more than 4.5 million tweets.

  8. Tech

    Human cells form the basis of this artificial eye

    Real or fake — you be the judge. Human cells were used to create this test bed for studying both the eye and eye-disease therapies.

  9. Space

    Most Americans would welcome a microbial E.T.

    People are more likely to welcome than be scared by new evidence pointing to extraterrestrial life, Americans report — at least if the E.T.’s are tiny.

  10. Tech

    How to tell if a drone is stalking you

    Is a drone surveilling you? Scientists have figured out a way to tell when it’s streaming video of you or your home.

  11. Computing

    Smartphones put your privacy at risk

    Smartphones have become essential companions. But they can leak data about you. In fact, the potential for invading your privacy is higher than you might think.

  12. Archaeology

    Scientists detect mystery void in Great Pyramid of Giza

    Using high-tech tools normally reserved for studies in particle physics, scientists have found a large, hidden void inside Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza.