Meenakshi Prabhune

All Stories by Meenakshi Prabhune
- Environment
Studies report new risks to teens from secondhand smoke
Teens exposed to secondhand smoke are more vulnerable to getting sick, one study finds. Another suggests that later, in adulthood, these individuals may be at risk for premature death from lung disease.
- Health & Medicine
For teens, a good mood depends on good sleep
Teens need eight to 10 hours of sleep at night to feel good and function well the next day, a new data show.
- Environment
Vaping may stiffen the heart and blood vessels
Exposure to e-cigarette vapors damages blood vessels in mice, suggesting that vaping could put people at risk for heart disease.
- Brain
Mild brain injury can cause bead-like swellings in brain cells
Mild head bumps cause temporary swellings — like beads in a necklace — within brain cells. If cells get enough time to heal, those “beads” will disappear.
- Brain
Adolescents are brain-dense — and that’s good
Gray matter is densely packed in adolescents, brain researchers now find. This may explain how developing adults cope with decreasing gray matter volume.
- Health & Medicine
Adding ice to medics’ kits could help patients survive blood loss
Placing an ice bag on the face should increase blood pressure — and oxygen to the brain — in people who have experienced life-threatening blood loss, a new study finds.