Shi En Kim

All Stories by Shi En Kim

  1. Environment

    New ultrathin materials can pull climate-warming CO2 from the air

    To slow global warming, we’ll need help from CO2-trapping materials. Enter MXenes. They’re strong and reactive — and they love to eat up CO2.

  2. Tech

    Scientists find a ‘greener’ way to make jeans blue

    When coated onto jeans, a plant-based polymer reduces water and cuts the amount of toxic chemicals needed.

  3. Chemistry

    New glue offers to turn any small walking robot into Spider-Man

    To climb walls, robot feet need to alternately stick and let go. A novel adhesive can do that. Its stickiness is controlled by electric fields.

  4. Tech

    Flexible devices may help clothes solar power your screens

    A fluorescent polymer duo boosts the efficiency of solar cells. One day this material may coat your jacket, hat or backpack to provide power on the go.

  5. Animals

    One tiny sea parasite survives 200 times atmospheric pressure

    Known as the seal louse, this tiny insect can survive deep oceanic dives on its mobile home, a marine mammal.

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