Eureka! Lab

A place for discovery

  1. Studying a weevil to save a tree

    A root weevil is causing billions of dollars in damage to fruit trees in Florida. To save a tree of his own, Evan MacKay decided to study the pest, earning him a finalist’s spot at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.

  2. Solving bad breath one walnut at a time

    Two teens came up with a cheap and simple solution to halitosis. It’s the African walnut.

  3. Tech

    Making magic with mechanical engineering

    As kids, we all want to make magic. But Michelle Phillips took that dream further. She realized that she wanted to build rides for amusement parks.

  4. Sharing a love of science with the world

    Julia Paoli has starter her science career in high school, writing a science blog at Scitable to teach the world about viruses.

  5. Science & Society

    Students use STEM to help their community

    Every community has its problems. A nationwide contest encourages students to tap science to solve local needs.

  6. Kids win $1,000 in clean energy challenge

    KidWind held its first national competition. The kid’s turbines generated enough power to light an LED bulb.

  7. Physics

    Student radiation experiment goes to space

    The Exploration Design Challenge asked students to design shields that would protect astronauts from radiation. Teachers can still involve classes in the challenge.

  8. Museum showcases healthcare beyond the bedside

    Chicago’s International Museum of Surgical Sciences has a new exhibit that displays a cross-section of alternative jobs in medicine.

  9. A toy to visualize the body’s electricity

    A hands-on way to let kids experiment with neuroscience placed second in the first annual Science, Play and Research Kit contest.

  10. A new grant for young inventors

    Lemelson-MIT has a grant that lets high school students flex their design muscles. The new program offers guided instruction for younger students.

  11. Teaching clean energy with the power of wind

    A build-your-own wind energy machine can be a fun and inexpensive way to practice engineering and discover the power of wind.

  12. Physics

    Sending student science to space

    Two teachers describe how they worked with the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program to get middle-school scientists excited about research and space.
