Questions for “Handwriting beats typing when it comes to taking class notes”

Taking notes by hand, rather than using a keyboard, may boost how well you remember new information, a study finds.
wagnerokasaki/E+/Getty Images
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Taking notes by hand, rather than using a keyboard, may boost how well you remember new information, a study finds.
wagnerokasaki/E+/Getty Images
To accompany “Handwriting beats typing when it comes to taking class notes”
1. What do you think is the best way to take notes in class: using a pen or pencil, or typing on a computer keyboard?
2. What are the benefits of each? What are the drawbacks?
1. What is cursive writing?
2. What is a neuropsychologist?
3. According to Audrey van der Meer at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, in what ways does handwriting stimulate the brain?
4. What does an EEG measure?
5. What role do the eyes and hands play when writing cursively?
6. When it comes to handwriting and drawing, what does van der Meer recommend?
1. Audrey van der Meer at Norwegian University of Science says, “if we don’t challenge our brain, it can’t reach its full potential.” What do you think she means by that statement?
2. A number of U.S. states that abandoned teaching cursive are now planning to start again. Do you think that’s a good idea? Why or why not?
3. Will reading this article change how you take notes in class? Why or why not?
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