Questions for ‘Lasers help put the cork on spilled oil’ 

Workers are seen cleaning up spilled oil from a beach on Singapore’s resort island of Sentosa in June 2024. Oil spilled at a nearby port spread through the water and contaminated beaches.

ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP via Getty Images Plus

To accompany ‘Lasers help put the cork on spilled oil’ 


Before Reading:

  1. In April 2010, an oil-drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded, which resulted in oil gushing up from the ocean floor. This disaster — known as the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill — became the largest marine oil spill in history. Based on your current knowledge, what dangers might such oil spills pose to the environment? Describe two examples of harm such spills may cause. For one of your examples, explain how oil’s properties contribute to this problem.
  2. Consider how people might clean up huge oil spills, such as the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. What challenges might such a clean-up crew face? Based on your current knowledge, describe two ways that someone might try to clean up such a spill.

During Reading:

  1. What natural characteristic of cork makes it a good oil “sponge”?
  2. What change did researchers first observe when they fired laser beams at cork?
  3. What does it mean for a material to be photothermal?
  4. Lowering oil’s viscosity — or thickness — might make it easier to sponge up. Explain why the lower-viscosity oil might be more readily sponged up by the cork.
  5. When tested in darkness, how does pristine cork’s ability to sop up oil compare to that of laser-treated cork?
  6. When tested in sunlight, how do pristine and laser-treated cork compare in their ability to sop up oil?
  7. What does it mean for a material to be hydrophobic?

After Reading:

  1. Describe how a discovery was made “by accident” in this story. Consider how the researcher’s response to unexpected experimental results contributed to the development of the new cork treatment. For instance, imagine if the researchers had dismissed the unexpected results. Do you think the researchers would still have gone on to develop the laser-treated cork for oil spill clean-up? Explain why or why not.
  2. Contrast the word adsorbent with absorbent. Come up with one common item that has adsorbent properties. Then, come up with a common item with absorbent properties. Briefly explain each answer.