Questions for “Researchers reveal the secret to the perfect football throw”
To accompany feature “Researchers reveal the secret to the perfect football throw”
Before Reading:
1. What is a spiral pass in football? How does gravity impact a thrown football?
2. What is a gyroscope? What is an axis? How are the two related?
During Reading:
1. In what direction does a football’s axis spin when it leaves the quarterback’s hand?
2. In what direction does a football’s axis spin when a receiver catches the pass?
3. What is a trajectory?
4. What is the definition of gyroscopics? How does it relate to a spinning top?
5. With a perfectly thrown spiral pass, in which direction does the tip of the ball tilt?
6. What happens to the ball’s spin axis as gravity forces it downward?
7. How does a perfectly thrown spiral respond to the force of air pushing against the front of the ball?
8. What type of arc does a thrown football make?
After Reading:
1. If a quarterback throws a football with a lot of spin, what happens to the stability of the thrown ball? Does it increase or decrease? Will the pass be more accurate than a football thrown with less spin? Why or why not?