Questions for ‘Want to avoid getting sick? Adopt these immune-boosting behaviors’

a young Asian woman with long black hair is propped up in bed with a thermometer in her mouth

Back to school often means a flood of illness, but you can stay healthier by following a few key steps.

Marcus Chung/E+/Getty Images Plus

To accompany feature “Want to avoid getting sick? Adopt these immune-boosting behaviors


Before Reading:

  1. What are some symptoms of a cold or the flu? Based on that, list at least three body systems that are affected by being sick.
  2. What actions do you take to avoid getting sick? Explain why.

During Reading:

  1. Where in the body can the majority of immune cells be found? What is their role there?
  2. What does it mean to have “good” germs in your gut? How do they help keep you healthy?
  3. What did researchers learn about the link between gut microbes and COVID-19 severity?
  4. What types of foods help keep a balanced, healthy gut microbiome?
  5. How does exercise affect the gut microbiome?
  6. In a 2021 study, how did regular exercise affect people’s likelihood of getting sick? How did it affect levels of immune cells in the blood?
  7. Name at least three exercises or physical activities that can help support the immune system.
  8. How can stress affect your immune system?    
  9. How might spending time in nature, like going for a hike in the woods or playing in a park, improve your immune system health?      

After Reading:

  1. The story discusses links between what we eat, how active we are and our ability to fight off illness. Summarize how these factors work together to keep you healthy. Based on your answer, how could you use the information in this article to influence your daily habits and choices about what you eat and any exercise you get?
  2. Based on what you’ve read in this story, write a letter to your school principal proposing at least two changes for your school to help students stay healthier. Some examples might relate to opportunities for physical activity or time outside, school landscaping or food choices in the school cafeteria. Include your reasoning for why these changes will be beneficial.