Engineering Design

  1. Teachers launch weather balloons, and a passion for science

    Making science hands-on can help inspire students and show how interdisciplinary research can be. Here, two teachers share their experiences working with a high-altitude research-balloon kit.

  2. Food can make an appetizing science fair project

    Many students think they need a laboratory or special equipment for a winning research project. But finalists at the Broadcom MASTERS competition showed food-based research may require little more than your home kitchen

  3. Tech

    Explainer: What is 3-D printing?

    A new type of computer printer is already doing a lot more than spraying ink onto paper. Some dispense metal, plastic, food — even cells. In short order, people may be able to manufacture almost anything from their home or office.

  4. Microbes

    Recycling the dead

    When things die, nature breaks them down through a process we know as rot. Without it, none of us would be here. Now, scientists are trying to better understand it so that they can use rot — preserving its role in feeding all living things.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Ebola treatments and vaccines could be near

    Using experimental medicines against Ebola might help to slow or end an outbreak in Africa that has defied efforts to control it.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Cookie Science 2: Baking a testable hypothesis

    I would like to make a gluten-free cookie that my friend can eat. But to do that, I need to come up with a hypothesis to test.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Fist bumps cleaner than handshakes

    A handshake, while welcoming, can transmit lots of germs — many times more than a high five or, especially, a fist bump.

  8. Tech

    Fashioning inks to ‘print’ tissues

    3-D printing may one day create life-saving tissues and organs for transplants. But first researchers are learning how to tailor cell-filled “inks” for use in inkjet printers.

  9. Chemistry

    Chemistry: Green and clean

    “Green” means environmentally friendly and sustainable. Green chemistry creates products and processes that are safer and cleaner — from the start.

  10. Wire critter shows power of surface tension

    Water striders walk on water by using surface tension. Now you can do the same with a wire critter weight-lifting contest.

  11. Microbes

    Superbugs: A silent health emergency

    Have antibiotics become too popular? Overusing these medicines fuels resistant germs that pose a global health threat.

  12. Tech

    A homemade bungee cord could save kids in hot cars

    Babies left in hot cars are in serious danger. A middle-school student invented a simple reminder to help parents keep their children safe.
