From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

  1. Health & Medicine

    When physicians and veterinarians team up, all species benefit

    When doctors for people and those for animals share their expertise, they can discover new ways to take better medical care of all species.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Many student athletes face risk of concussions that heal slowly

    High school girls and those with a history of concussions appear to take longest to recover.

  3. Animals

    Learning what stresses queen bees could save their hives

    Beehives often die off after the queen gets too stressed to make enough babies. New tests could identify what stressed her — and point to solutions.

  4. Animals

    Here’s what bats ‘see’ when they explore the world with sound

    High-speed cameras, fancy microphones and slick software are helping scientists get the best look yet at what bats perceive through echolocation.

  5. Plants

    Explainer: How photosynthesis works

    Plants can take in light, water and carbon dioxide, and send out sugar and oxygen. Here’s how it works.

  6. Plants

    Here’s how giant pumpkins get so big

    Cinderella took a ride in a pumpkin coach. Though real pumpkins do get big enough, here’s why their ride would be uncomfortable at best.

  7. Life

    One hummingbird survives cold nights by nearly freezing stiff

    To survive a freezing night, hummingbirds in the Andes mountains go very still, slow their heart rate and let their body temperature plummet.

  8. Genetics

    Gene editing can alter body fat and may fight diabetes

    Researchers have long dreamed of using brown fat to fight obesity and diabetes. Work in animals shows they’re closing in on achieving that dream.

  9. Plants

    The faster trees grow, the younger they die

    As climate change spurs forest tree growth, it also shortens trees’ lives. That results in a quicker release of climate-warming carbon back into the atmosphere.

  10. Animals

    Whales get a second life as deep-sea buffets

    When a whale dies and sinks to the seafloor, it becomes a feast for hundreds of different types of creatures.

  11. Psychology

    You should guess answers to your homework before searching online

    Over a span of 11 years, an increasing share of students performed more poorly on exams than on their homework. Online homework help may explain why.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Let’s learn about bones

    Bones hold us up and help us fight gravity with every step. They also make blood cells, hormones and more.
