Plan and conduct an investigation of the properties of water and its effects on Earth materials and surface processes.

  1. Earth

    Explainer: Telling a tsunami from a seiche

    Waves that hit coastlines with ferocious power, tsunamis are one of the planet’s most devastating forces of nature. And seiches: They’re tsunamis little, but still potentially deadly, cousins.

  2. Earth

    Intel STS finalist takes on arsenic poisoning

    Concerned about arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh, Intel Science Talent Search finalist Thabit Pulak invented an affordable filter to help people remove this toxic pollutant from their drinking water.

  3. Earth

    Explainer: Antarctica, land of lakes

    There are many, although they tend to be buried under rivers of ice.

  4. Earth

    Big rocks’ balancing acts

    Scientists study how balanced boulders resist falling over — and what that may say about earthquakes.

  5. Climate

    Germy weather

    Bacteria high in the sky could be causing rain, snow and hail.

  6. Earth

    Ice on the move

    Flowing glaciers help scientists study climate change.

  7. Climate

    A dire shortage of water

    Parts of the southwestern United States are in the middle of the worst drought in at least 500 years.
