Evaluate or refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on natural systems.
- Materials Science
Battery powered to heal
With its own first-aid kit, this battery can really keep going.
- Environment
Planting seeds for better plastic
Scientists are working to put the bio in plastics.
By Emily Sohn - Fossils
Downsized dinosaurs
Island living may have led to miniature versions of giant dinosaurs.
By Emily Sohn - Tech
Cold house, hot house, green house
Saving energy at home requires paying attention to the building's windows, walls, and roof.
By Emily Sohn - Environment
Alien invasions
Around the world, plants, animals, fungi, and other life forms are ending up in places where they don't belong.
By Emily Sohn - Environment
A vulture’s hidden enemy
Vultures may be getting a deadly dose of medicine from the carcasses they feed upon.
- Plants
City trees beat country trees
Cottonwood trees grow better in New York City than in rural places around the state.
By Emily Sohn - Humans
Digging for ancient DNA
Soil has yielded identifiable DNA of animals and plants that lived up to 400,000 years ago.
By Emily Sohn - Environment
Cliff snails and rock climbers
Rock climbers can accidentally wipe out communities of cliff snails.
By Emily Sohn