Analyze geoscience data and the results from global climate models to make an evidence-based forecast of the current rate of global or regional climate change and associated future impacts to Earth systems.

  1. Climate

    Can scientists develop an icy sanctuary for Arctic life?

    The final refuge for summer sea ice may also protect the creatures that depend on it. Saving it is an ambitious goal with many hurdles.

  2. Life

    From icebergs to smoke, forecasting where dangers will drift

    Smoke drifts. Fish eggs float downstream. Where such drifting things end up may seem a mystery. But research can predict where they’ll end up.

  3. Climate

    Scientists Say: El Niño and La Niña

    El Niño and La Niña are part of a climate cycle that results in major weather changes every few years.

  4. Oceans

    Moon’s orbital wobble can add to sea-level rise and flooding

    In a dozen years or so, the tide-enhancing effects of a wobble in the moon’s orbit should lead to dramatically higher sea levels in some coastal cities.

  5. Animals

    Tiny animals survive 24,000 years in suspended animation

    Tiny bdelloid rotifers awake from a 24,000-year slumber when freed from the Arctic permafrost.

  6. Tech

    Let’s learn about artificial intelligence

    Computers are getting smarter all the time. At some tasks, they can even outsmart people.

  7. Earth

    Greece’s Santorini volcano erupts more when the sea level drops

    Data showing this association go back at least 360,000 years.

  8. Environment

    Warming cities may see more rain — and frequent flooding

    Scientists are seeking to understand why and how to mop up excess precipitation.

  9. Environment

    Explainer: Urban heat islands and how to cool them

    Cities transform landscapes covered in plants to ones covered in heat-absorbing asphalt and concrete. But ways exist to cool these urban heat islands.

  10. Climate

    New UN climate report finds no time for denial or delay

    It links extreme weather around the globe to Earth’s changing climate.

  11. Earth

    Let’s learn about Antarctica

    This continent is dry, windy and very cold — and home to penguins, ice and a lot of scientific research.

  12. Environment

    ‘Zombie’ wildfires can reemerge after wintering underground

    Climate change may make these not-quite-dead blazes more common. Scientists are learning to predict where a zombie might emerge.
