Horses are inspiring this roboticist to build trustworthy robots
Computer scientist Eakta Jain is looking at human-horse interactions for ideas about how to design robots that work well with people.
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Computer scientist Eakta Jain is looking at human-horse interactions for ideas about how to design robots that work well with people.
The two types of leaves grow at different heights in trees at dry versus wet areas. They may help redwoods adapt to climate change.
Al mamífero más pequeño del mar no le es fácil mantenerse caliente. Ahora, los científicos han descubierto cómo sus células responden al desafío.
Instead of warming the climate, methane gas can be collected to help farmers. Along the way, it may also save some fish.
For the smallest mammal in the ocean, staying warm is tough. Now, scientists have figured out how the animals’ cells rise to the challenge.
Heat-trapping gases from dead trees play an important role in the environmental impact of “ghost” forests.
Scientists are using this secretion to study our body’s functions, to test for disease and even to diagnose injury.
Single-celled green algae swim through water as free cells. Most use only photosynthesis for their energy. But not all of them, a new study shows.
Calves that receive the 14-week treatment belch less of the greenhouse gas, possibly due to shifts in their gut microbes.
Breathe in and out, that’s respiration. Have a cell break down sugars for energy, and that’s respiration too.