
Develop a model to illustrate the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the cycling of carbon among the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere.

  1. Plants

    The faster trees grow, the younger they die

    As climate change spurs forest tree growth, it also shortens trees’ lives. That results in a quicker release of climate-warming carbon back into the atmosphere.

  2. Animals

    Minecraft’s big bees don’t exist, but giant insects once did

    Big bees buzz in Minecraft. In our world, blocky bees might starve and be stuck on the ground. Yet long ago, giant insects did roam our planet.

  3. Ecosystems

    Newfound desert soil community lives on sips of fog

    Lichens and other fungi and algae team up to form a 'grit-crust' on the parched soil of Chile’s Atacama Desert. Those species slake their thirst with moisture from coastal fog.

  4. Chemistry

    Scientists look to hack photosynthesis for a ‘greener’ planet

    Photosynthesis turns sunlight into energy for plants. Scientists want to know more about it, imitate it — even improve it.

  5. Plants

    Explainer: The fertilizing power of N and P

    Two elements — nitrogen and phosphorus — help plants grow. When the soil doesn’t have them, farmers might add them in the form of fertilizer.

  6. Animals

    Bee hotels are open for business

    Bee hotels are creating a buzz in conservation and research by offering nesting places for wild bees.

  7. Environment

    Trees can make summer ozone levels much worse

    The greenery can release chemicals into the air that react with combustion pollutants to make ozone. And trees release more of those chemicals where it gets really hot, a new study finds.

  8. Genetics

    World’s tallest corn towers nearly 14 meters

    Short nights and a genetic tweak helped novel corn reach record heights.

  9. Animals

    The shocking electric eel!

    Electric eels are fascinating animals. Their powerful zaps can act like a radar system, trick fish into revealing their location and then freeze their prey’s movements.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Cool Jobs: Finding foods for the future

    What's for dinner... tomorrow? Scientists are developing new foods to meet the demands of the growing population in a changing world.

  11. Agriculture

    Made in the shade

    Agroforestry combines woody plants and agriculture. Growing trees alongside crops and livestock benefits wildlife, environment, climate — and farmers.

  12. Animals

    Explainer: Male-female flexibility in animals

    Some animals behave as if they were the opposite sex; others can even change their sex — and still produce offspring.
