
Evaluate the evidence for the role of group behavior on individual and species' chances to survive and reproduce.

  1. Animals

    Orcas can take down the largest animal on the planet

    For the first time, scientists observed that orcas can kill blue whales by using the same hunting techniques that have worked on other large whales.

  2. Animals

    See the world through a jumping spider’s eyes — and other senses

    Scientists are teasing out the many ways the spiders’ vision, listening and taste senses differ from ours

  3. Animals

    Goldfish driving ‘cars’ offer new insight into navigation

    Fishes’ internal sense of direction is not limited to their natural environment. The latest Wild Things cartoon from Science News for Students.

  4. Psychology

    Addiction can develop when reward-seeking changes a teen’s brain

    Over time, the pleasure disappears and craving grows. That craving causes stress that can drive people to use drugs or pursue unhealthy behaviors again and again.

  5. Animals

    World’s biggest colony of nesting fish lives beneath Antarctic ice

    Totally unexpected, it’s far, far larger than any other known community of nesting fish — fully one-third larger than the area of Washington, D.C.

  6. Animals

    A panda stands out at the zoo but blends in the wild

    A panda may stand out among bamboo at the zoo, but in the wild, its black-and-white coloring camouflages it from predators. Learn more with this web comic.

  7. Ecosystems

    Secret forest fungi partner with plants — and help the climate

    Forest fungi are far more than mere mushrooms. They explore. They move nutrients and messages between plants. They can even help fight climate change.

  8. Animals

    Meat-eating bees have something in common with vultures

    Flesh-eating bees have acid-producing gut bacteria, much as vultures do. It lets them safely snack on rotting meat.

  9. Climate

    Here’s how some sea-loving trees ended up far from the coast

    This “relict ecosystem” that’s more than thousands of years old moved inland due to warming and a rise in sea levels.

  10. Oceans

    Scientists Say: Atoll

    Atolls form when coral reefs build up around underwater volcanoes.

  11. Plants

    Scientists Say: Phloem

    Phloem is tissue that delivers food, made in leaves during photosynthesis, to the rest of a plant.

  12. Animals

    Bloodthirsty vampire bats prefer drinking with friends

    Vampire bats were known to bond with others in their roost. Now, research suggests bonded bats often drink blood from animals together.
