
Analyze data to support the claim that Newton's second law of motion describes the mathematical relationship among the net force on a macroscopic object, its mass, and its acceleration.

  1. Physics

    Falling through Earth might be a long and fruitless trip

    A classic physics problem asks what would happen if you plunged through Earth’s center. A new study contends you could never make it to the other side.

  2. Teen gymnast finds how best to keep her grip

    Unsatisfied with anecdotal opinions on which type of gymnastics chalk was best, a teen used science to find out for herself.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Why Paralympic sprinters have trouble with curves

    Whether an artificial leg is on the right or left side of the body may affect how fast runners can take a turn.

  4. Physics

    Einstein taught us: It’s all ‘relative’

    One hundred years ago, a German physicist shared some math he had been working on. In short order, his theory of relativity would revise forever how people viewed the universe.

  5. Tech

    Make your own mini hovercraft

    Hovercraft aren’t just the cars of the future. You can make your own with just a few household items.

  6. Physics

    Raindrops break the speed limit

    Raindrops shouldn't be able fall faster than what is known as their terminal velocity. But no one told the rain. Researchers have found droplets breaking that speed limit.

  7. Physics

    Explainer: How lasers make ‘optical molasses’

    Light can bump an atom. Bump it from several different directions at once and even a fast-moving atom will instantly freeze its motion — and chill it to a temperature of nearly absolute zero.

  8. Physics

    Baseball: From pitch to hits

    Radar or cameras track the path of virtually every baseball in major league stadiums.

  9. Space

    Wanted: Garbage collectors in space

    Scientists say we should clean up the cosmos now to avoid crashes in the future.

  10. Tech

    Crime lab

    From accidents to crime scenes, scientists are helping detectives solve mysteries.

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