
Apply scientific and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on a macroscopic object during a collision.

More Stories in HS-PS2-3

  1. Tech

    Let’s learn about space robots

    Space robots can take pictures of other planets, analyze samples of their surface and even peer into their interiors.

  2. Math

    Cool Jobs: Motion by the numbers

    What do car crash testers, video game creators and scientists who study athletic performance have in common? All use geometry in their cool jobs.

  3. Brain

    Males and females respond to head hits differently

    Men and women are playing sports equally — and getting concussions in comparable numbers. But how their brains respond may differ greatly.

  4. Brain

    Soccer: Watch out for collisions!

    Scientists discover that concussions among high school soccer players stem more from aggressive contact between players than from heading the ball.

  5. Brain

    Magnets may make helmets safer

    Magnets in sports helmets could repel players’ heads as they move toward a collision. This should reduce the risk of the hard hits that lead to concussions.

  6. Brain

    Lacrosse: Different genders, same injuries

    Scientists find that boys’ and girls’ versions of lacrosse lead to similar injuries. Because girls frequently get concussions, the study argues that like the boys, girls too should wear helmets.

  7. Brain

    Football hits the brain hard

    The brain’s hippocampus helps store memories. It is smaller in college football players — especially if they have suffered concussions.

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