Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions

More Stories in Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions

  1. Tech

    Bioelectronics research wins top award at 2024 Regeneron ISEF

    Three grand-award winners each took home at least $50,000. Hundreds more teens shared more than $9 million in prizes at the international competition.

  2. Environment

    To limit pollution, new recipe makes plastic a treat for microbes

    Microplastics made from fossil fuels take centuries to disappear. But the plant- and algae-based plastic can break down in weeks to months.

  3. Tech

    Lego bricks inspired a new way to shape devices for studying liquids

    Inspired by Lego building blocks, the approach could enable design of adaptable tools to study how fluids move through very small spaces.

  4. Physics

    Experiment: Make your own cents-able battery

    Make your own ‘voltaic pile’ with pennies and nickels, and find out how many coins will make the most electricity!

  5. Chemistry

    Turning jeans blue with sunlight might help the environment

    When dipped in indican and exposed to sunlight, yarn turns a deep blue. This process is more eco-friendly than the current denim dyeing method.

  6. Physics

    Forests could help detect ‘ghost particles’ from space

    If trees could act as natural antennas, one physicist proposes that they just might pick up signals of hard-to-spot ultra-high energy neutrinos.

  7. Physics

    Physics explains what happens when a lawn sprinkler sucks in water

    Experiments with a floating sprinkler revealed the surprisingly complex physics behind a simple question.

  8. Physics

    How much fruit can you pull from a display before it topples?

    About 10 percent of the fruit in a tilted market display can be removed before it will crash down, computer models show.

  9. Materials Science

    Let’s learn about graphene

    Scientists have been trying to understand and harness this material’s superpowers since its discovery in 2004.

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