Construct an argument supported by evidence for how increases in human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources impact Earth's systems.

  1. Environment

    The world wastes roughly a sixth of the food produced each year

    A new United Nations report shows where wastes can be reduced, which would decrease hunger and emissions of climate-warming greenhouse gases.

  2. Tech

    Greening your digital life

    The less electricity you use while playing video games or using your devices, the less impact you’ll have on climate change.

  3. Environment

    COVID-19 cut pollution in 2020, warming the atmosphere

    Pandemic-related lockdowns briefly warmed the planet. The reason: The cleaner air carried fewer planet-cooling aerosols.

  4. Tech

    Training AI to be really smart poses risks to climate

    As artificial intelligence models grow larger and consume more energy, experts have begun to worry about their impact on Earth’s climate.

  5. Agriculture

    Healthy soils are life-giving black gold

    Scientists explain why everyone needs to value the soils beneath our feet — and why we should not view them as dirt.

  6. Environment

    Unmasking the pandemic’s pollution problem

    Discarding all the materials people use to protect themselves from COVID-19 has created a growing environmental problem.

  7. Ecosystems

    Can people protect as much space as nature needs?

    To save biodiversity, nations are drafting a plan to protect 30 percent of Earth by 2030. Up for debate is how best to do that.

  8. Environment

    Why today’s ‘fast fashions’ can be bad for the planet

    The constant buy-wear-toss cycle of fast fashion isn’t sustainable. It hurts the environment and takes a toll on our wallets, too.

  9. Environment

    Polluting microplastics harm both animals and ecosystems

    Researchers are beginning to uncover the real-world impacts of polluting microplastic bits on animals and the ecosystems they inhabit.

  10. Environment

    Washing your jeans too much might pose risks to the environment

    Jeans shed thousands of denim fibers in every wash. Those fibers, and the chemicals used to treat them, now are showing up in even the Arctic Ocean.

  11. Animals

    Whale blowholes don’t keep out seawater

    Whales’ blowholes aren’t as protective as scientists had thought. They not only can let in water but also pollutants.

  12. Environment

    Fossil fuels appear to release far more methane than we thought

    Ice cores reveal less methane than expected. This suggests today’s fossil fuel industry is responsible for nearly all of the methane emissions from natural sources today.

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