Ask questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in global temperatures over the past century.
- Microbes
Recycling the dead
When things die, nature breaks them down through a process we know as rot. Without it, none of us would be here. Now, scientists are trying to better understand it so that they can use rot — preserving its role in feeding all living things.
- Environment
Seeing red: North’s CO2 hits new peak
CO2 values are now 50 percent higher than before the Industrial Revolution.
By Beth Mole - Climate
Arctic sends weird weather south
Arctic warming is affecting weather farther south, where most of the world lives. The impacts are especially worrisome for agriculture.
By Sid Perkins - Environment
China exports pollution alongside goods
Many companies have moved the plants that make their products to developing countries, such as China. But the pollution linked to making those products can travel around the world.
- Chemistry
Explainer: Ocean acidification
Here’s why shellfish and other animals in the sea suffer when the ocean is forced to absorb too much carbon dioxide.
- Climate
Watching our seas rise
Satellites, coral reefs, ancient Roman fishponds and sinking cities help us understand how humans are changing sea level.
By Douglas Fox - Climate
Did Columbus contribute to a Little Ice Age?
Scientist shows a surprising link between the explorer and a dip in temperatures.
- Oceans
Life beneath the ‘berg
Scientists find Antarctic icebergs play a new and bigger role in the climate cycle.
- Climate
A change in climate
Global warming may be wiping out some plants and animals or pushing them into new habitats.
By Emily Sohn