Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.

More Stories in MS-ETS1-3

  1. Materials Science

    Scientists Say: Semiconductor

    Modern electronics, from cell phones to video games, work thanks to these conductor-insulator hybrids.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Family, friends and community inspired these high school scientists

    When looking for research ideas, listen to the people around you. What problems are they facing? What could you do to help?

  3. Physics

    Neutrons are unveiling hidden secrets of fossils and artifacts

    Images made with these particles have revealed details of dinosaur bones, mummies and more.

  4. Climate

    Chemists make device to destroy planet-warming methane pollution

    It can slash diffuse sources of this extremely potent greenhouse gas, such as from livestock barns and other sites.

  5. Tech

    Synthetic biology aims to tackle disease and give cells superpowers

    DNA machines and protein-mimicking nanotech could replace broken machinery in cells or even lead to made-from-scratch synthetic life.

  6. Environment

    New ultrathin materials can pull climate-warming CO2 from the air

    To slow global warming, we’ll need help from CO2-trapping materials. Enter MXenes. They’re strong and reactive — and they love to eat up CO2.

  7. Tech

    Particles from tree waste could prevent fogged lenses, windshields

    A new coating made from a renewable resource — water-loving nanoparticles made from wood — could keep glass surfaces fog-free.

  8. Tech

    Bits of trees can make and store energy for us to use

    This cellulose and lignin, two major building blocks of trees, could lead to greener electronics.

  9. Tech

    Bionic plants and electric algae may usher in a greener future

    Some can aid the climate by removing pollutants. Others would just avoid dirtying the environment in the first place.

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