Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.
Teen offers technology that could help brain surgeons
It can reproduce plastic models of the precise faulty vessels that need fixing. Now doctors can see them, hold them and practice on them long before they pick up a scalpel.
By Sid Perkins -
Teen gymnast finds how best to keep her grip
Unsatisfied with anecdotal opinions on which type of gymnastics chalk was best, a teen used science to find out for herself.
Where did that turbine blade get smacked?
A new technique can help engineers figure out where a bird or other object collided with a wind turbine or other whirling blade.
By Sid Perkins -
Control a computer with your tongue
Thousands of severely paralyzed people could venture into cyberspace with the use of this new tongue-controlled computer mouse. It was developed by a teen.
By Sid Perkins -
Materials Science
Nanowires could lead to super-long-lived battery
Scientists have long been looking for ways to make rechargeable batteries that last forever. They now may be close. Their solution: gel-dipped nanowires.
By Lela Nargi -
Health & Medicine
Injured leg? Here’s a built-in footstool
Sometimes doctors advise people to keep a leg elevated, but there’s no footstool to rest it on. A teen designed a brace with a built-in kickstand.
By Sid Perkins -
New device identifies money by its color
Two teens have invented a gadget that can help the blind identify the value of a banknote based on its color.
By Sid Perkins -
Teens share what inspired them in STEM
What inspires kids to pursue science, technology, engineering and math? These teens share their stories.
Eyes offer new window into Alzheimer’s disease
The eye’s retina is distinctly different in people with Alzheimer’s disease compared to those with no signs of the malady, two teens now report finding. It could lead to earlier diagnosis of the brain disease.
By Sid Perkins -
Health & Medicine
Keeping samples cool without electricity
When vaccines and blood get too warm or cold, they can become useless. Two teens invented ways to keep their temperatures just right, no matter where they are.
What medicine can learn from squid teeth
Scientists have identified what makes a squid's sucker teeth so strong. The findings may one day prove useful in medicine.
Health & Medicine
The cool science of hot peppers
Why are chili peppers spicy? Why does anyone crave food that burns? Uncovering this fiery veggie’s secrets could help fight pain and obesity.